Spotlight on Benny O.

“True volunteer work doesn’t feel like work at all, especially since the people you get to meet at these places have the potential to become your friends.”

Spotlight on Barb M.

Barb, began her service with AmeriCorps, at Food Bank of Wyoming as the AmeriCorps/Food Security Ambassador.  Barbs first project was #HeartFull#TableFull, a wonderful unique February event designed to help children throughout Wyoming understand food insecurity. Children colored Hearty and friends while exploring hunger and how hunger affects everyone. This event went to several Counties in […]

Spotlight on Ashley B.

Ashley is currently a first semester Casper College nursing student. Her passion for service started when she was young and volunteered with her mother in various capacities including March of Dimes, Habitat for Humanity, canned food drives, and Bowl for Jason’s Friends Foundation. As an adult, she has continued her volunteer efforts and held board […]

Spotlight on Allyson W.

“This experience was so timely regarding the transformation I needed to experience as I enter the professional world.”

Spotlight on Alex H.

“It’s important to help in the community because it really does take a village.”