



Notice of Funding Opportunity

If you are interested in applying to be a new program, please reach out to ServeWyoming staff at before proceeding. ServeWyoming requires that new programs submit a Concept Paper. Our staff can assist you with next steps.

Concept Paper

The ServeWyoming AmeriCorps application process begins with the Concept Paper; to succinctly and precisely identify the proposed project, the needs it addresses, the activities members will be engaged in and the number of members requested. The Concept Paper process is designed as a “qualifying” round.

Now accepting concept papers for FY25.
Contact Serve Wyoming for Application Details

AmeriCorps Program Grant

The AmeriCorps Program Grant allows non-profits state-wide to host AmeriCorps members giving them an opportunity to directly serve communities in need, gain experience through meaningful projects and create career pathways through a 12-month service term.

AmeriCorps Planning Grant

The AmeriCorps Planning Grant RFP was created to reduce organizations' barriers to creating an AmeriCorps program. Grantees receive direct technical assistance from ServeWyoming and up to 12 months of funding to plan an AmeriCorps program.
